Some cool project

Some cool project short description

John Doe

Jane Doe


January 1, 1901


Write your project description in Markdown and edit the metadata at the top of the file.

If the project request was made using the markdown project form provided here, you can directly copy-paste its content inside the project index.qmd page.


You can add contents like images to your project webpage (that can be advertised on the project list page, c.f. next section).


  • You can list as authors the persons involved in the project.
  • You can list categories that can be used to filter projects on the front page.
  • Remove draft: true for the post to be listed on the front page.
  • Use the image: field to display an image for your project on the front page.
  • Use the category field to add tags to your project (that can be used to filter projects on the front page), i.e.
    • status of the project: “ongoing”, “finished”, “waiting”, “dismissed”
    • description about the subject: e.g. “genomics”, “transcriptomics”, “image processing”, etc.
    • description about the objective: “software development”, “methodology”, “statistics”, “machine learning”, “bioinformatics”, etc.
    • the involved programming language(s): “R”, “Python”, etc.
    • the involved team at LBMC
    • and anything you could find relevant (but avoid using too specific words because it will make the filtering on the front page not efficient)


The default license for the content of the website is CC-BY-SA 4.0. Mention a specific license if you want to use another one for your specific content.

If you add any other files like images with particular authors and license, add a corresponding .licence file to indicate the author and license of this specific content, and mention the license at the end of the project description file if necessary.