Tips for the PSMN & CBP

Laurent Modolo


March 6, 2023

Connection to the PSMN

PSMN access is through ssh. To connect to a server you need to type a command like ssh psmn_login@server_name.

You need to go through different servers to access the PSMN resources:

  1. Access to the PSMN network via (go here to activate your access, with your webmail account) or (with yourt PSMN account).
  2. Connect to
  3. Connect to a compilation server like cl5218comp2 (full list here), you want to choose one from the lake scratch.

The server allows you to access your home directory ~/and the/Xnfs/lbmcdb/ space.

The compilation server gives you access to the qsub command and the /scratch/Bio space.

Connect to

To connect to you can use ssh keys:

ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C ""

Rename the key to id_ed_ens and type a password (the characters won't show as you type). Then you are going to edit the file ~/. ssh/config to add the following content (you can use nano):

Host ens
  User                     **your_login**
  IdentitiesOnly           yes
  IdentityFile             ~/.ssh/id_ed_ens
  PreferredAuthentications publickey,password

Save your modification.

You need to copy your ssh public key to with the following command:

ssh-copy-id -i \~/.ssh/ ens

Test your connection with:

ssh -T ens

Connect to

To connect to you can use ssh keys:

ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C ""

rename the key to id_ed_allopsmn and type a password (the characters won't show as you type).

Then you are going to edit the file ~/. ssh/config to add the following content (you can use nano ):

Host allo-psmn
  ProxyJump               ens
  User                    **your_login**
  IdentitiesOnly           yes
  IdentityFile             ~/.ssh/id_ed_allopsmn
  PreferredAuthentications publickey,password

Save your modification.

You need to copy your ssh public key to with the following command:

ssh-copy-id -i \~/.ssh/ allo-psmn

Test your connection with:

ssh -T allo-psmn

Connect to a compilation server like cl5218comp2

cl5218comp2 is just one login nodes you can use another from the full list here. Keep in mind that the /scratch/Bio directory is available for the Lake scratch.

To connect to you can use ssh keys:

ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C ""

Rename the key to id_ed_psmn and type a password (the characters won't show as you type).

Then you are going to edit the file ~/. ssh/config to add the following content (you can use nano):

Host psmn
  ProxyJump                allo-psmn
  Hostname                 cl6242comp1
  User                     **your_login**
  IdentitiesOnly           yes
  IdentityFile             ~/.ssh/id_ed_psmn
  PreferredAuthentications publickey,password

Save your modification.

You need to copy your ssh public key to with the following command:

ssh-copy-id -i \~/.ssh/ psmn

and test your connection with:

ssh -T psmn

The Different storage on the PSMN

There are 3 main storage spaces for you on the PSMN, your home, the Xnfs and the scratch.

Your home /home/psmn_login/

Your home is where you can store all your configuration files and small scripts. Your home is the same on every server in the PSMN network (including the computing nodes).


The /Xnfs/lbmcdb/ space is where you should put a copy of everything you do on the PSMN (data, codes, etc). There is one folder per LBMC team in this folder so you should put your data in a path like/Xnfs/lbmcdb/your_team/your_project/.

You can put or look for common reference genome and annotation in the folder /Xnfs/lbmcdb/common/.

The Xnfs space while resilient, doesn’t have a back-up. So be sure to follow the guide of good practice to manage your precious code and data.

The /scratch/Bio/

The /scratch/Bio/psmn_login/ is where you want to do you computation on the PSMN. This storage is very fast (expensive), which means that once your computation done, you should move things from /scratch/Bio/psmn_login/your_project/ to /Xnfs/lbmcdb/your_team/your_project/.

You have to create your own /scratch/Bio/psmn_login/ folder when you start to use the PSMN.

The /scratch/Bio/ is only accessible from the lake cluster (see list of queues).

The /Xnfs/abc/nf_scratch/

For Nextflow users, a dedicated workspace is available. You don’t need to upload your data and work from /scratch/Bio, but from /Xnfs/abc/nf_scratch/ . This workspace is available on Lake and Cascade.

You have to create your own /Xnfs/abc/nf_scratch/psmn_login/ folder when you start to use the PSMN.

You can find the charliecloud image used by the LBMC pipeline in the shared folder/Xnfs/abc/.

Retrieve or deposit files on the PSMN:

For the following steps to work you need to be connected on the ENS network or the ENS VPN . You also need an active PSMN account ( you can ask here if you forgot your password ).

From the Terminal

To retrieve or deposit files on the PSMN storage you can use classical scp command on the ssh server with your PSMN login.

Note that you cannot access the /scratch/ mount point from

scp my_project/data/*. fastq.gz

But to avoid any file corruption problem during the transfers, it's safer to use rsync in place of scp with the -auvc options:

rsync -auvc my_project/data/*. fastq.gz

The addition of the -c option means that rsync will start with a checksum of each file before beginning the transfer.

From Filezilla

You can also use the free graphical tool FileZilla to do the same with the following steps:

  1. Launch FileZilla
  2. Go to Files > Site Manager
  3. Click on the New site button
  4. In the General tab select SFTP - SSH File Transfer Protocol in the Protocol field
  5. Set in the Host field
  6. Choose Ask for passwords In the Logon Type field
  7. Add your PSMN login in the User field
  8. Click on the Connect button
  9. Accept the certificate
  10. Enter your PSMN password

You can go to your your team Xnfs folder by setting the Remote site path field to /Xnfs/lbmcdb/Your_team_folder/.

You can transfer files from your local computer to the PSMN by dragging them between the left folder tree (your computer) and the right folder tree (the PSMN).

Launching a Nextflow pipeline at the PSMN

First, you need to copy your data in your team /Xnfs/lbmcdb/ folder:

rsync -auv -P --human-readable your_project psmn:/Xnfs/lbmcdb/your_team/your_project

Preparing Your Environment

Then you need to log to the psmn to prepare your environment: ssh psmn.

Ssh Configuration

We need to create a ssh key to log to the gitbio server:

ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C ""

Rename the key to id_ed_gitbio and type a password (the characters won't show as you type).

You can display the content of your public key with the command:

cat /home/${USER}/.ssh/

Copy the line containing your key and save it on the gitbio ssh keys management page , you can name the key PSMN .

Then you are going to edit the file ~/. ssh/config to add the following content (you can use nano):

  Preferredauthentications publickey
  IdentityFile             ~/.ssh/id_ed_gitbio

Save your modification and test your connection with the command:

ssh -T

You should see a welcome message.

Pipeline Configuration

You need to create a working directory on the scratch:

mkdir /scratch/Bio/${USER}
cd /scratch/Bio/${USER}

Then clone your pipeline:

git clone
cd my_pipeline

Then get a copy of your data on the scratch:

rsync -auv /Xnfs/lbmcdb/your_team/your_project/data/ data/

Pipeline Execution

For now you have to launch your pipeline within a tmux session. To do so enter the following command:

./nextflow src/my_pipeline -profile psmn --param1 val1 ... --paramn valn

You can detach your tmux session by pressing ctrl + b and then d to attach your tmux session type:

tmux a

Nextflow will continue to run in a detached tmux session, which means that you can log-out of the PSMN without terminating your pipeline. You can terminate nextflow within your tmux session by pressing ctrl + c or terminate your tmux session by pressing ctrl + b and then x.